In order to effectively equip and shepherd the church, we have developed a leadership structure according to biblical ideals that reflect team-based leadership, maximize the potential for the church to maintain its familial nature, and utilize the gifts that the Spirit has given to the church for its growth and expansion.

House Church Leaders

House Church Leaders are the ongoing, functional first-line of shepherd-leaders within Twin Cities Church. As shepherds protect and feed, House Church Leaders are involved in the daily lives of members and work to protect them from spiritual harm and feed them in the Word of God. We see House Church Leaders as equivalent to the role of deacon that is found in the New Testament epistles. Their responsibilities include:

  • Teaching - equipping the church in the whole counsel of God

  • Shepherding - helping each individual and household reach maturity in the faith

  • Hosting - ensuring an orderly and unifying experience

  • Leading - being an example and taking initiative to lead the House Church


Elders are the biblically mandated shepherds of local churches that work with church planters and network leaders to ensure the health and growth of local churches. Elders are the shepherding authorities of Twin Cities Church and oversee the House Churches. Their responsibilities include:

  • Shepherding - praying for the church, teaching and counseling in various contexts, protecting the church from divisiveness and false teaching, and providing support to House Church Leaders

  • Overseeing - commending new House Church Leaders and ministers of the gospel, and carrying out church discipline

  • Participating with the other elders in their Cluster to pray for, shepherd, and lead in cooperating with other House Churches in the Cluster

Minneapolis Cluster Elders: Tim Larson, Ryan Lee, and George Stagg

South/East Metro, Northwest Metro, St. Paul Cluster Elders: Traivis Dykema, Lawrence Simmons, and Joshua Sleper

Network leadership team

The Network Leadership Team is responsible for the overall network of Twin Cities Church and functions much like the early apostolic teams did in the first century. The Network Leadership Team is responsible for the vision and doctrine of Twin Cities Church, appointing elders, and overseeing the legal and financial aspects of the ministry. Network Leadership Team members are required to meet qualifications of elders, but not necessarily be an elder. The current Network Leadership Team members are Traivis Dykema, Tim Larson, Ryan Lee, Lawrence Simmons, Joshua Sleper, and George Stagg. 

Staff pastors

George Stagg

Lead Pastor


Lawrence Simmons

