In the Beginning, God Created a Family…

God established the first family in the Garden of Eden and it did not take long for that initial family to experience challenges that seem very contemporary–jealousy, marital conflict, sibling rivalry, and even murder–challenges that led to the breakdown of the family. That trajectory has continued to this day. To some degree, all of us experience some level of breakdown in our families, and many of our greatest problems individually and as a society stem from breakdowns in the family.

God’s New Family Through the Gospel…

God anticipated this breakdown and set forth a plan in Jesus Christ to establish an enduring family. It is a family made up of people from all nations who share his name, who consider each other as brothers and sisters, who consider God their Father, and who devote their lives to his purposes.

The Local Church as the Family of God…

This global family expresses itself in local churches all over the earth. Jesus Christ calls local churches households of God and these households are devoted to the greatest purpose of all time: to demonstrate the full scope of God’s wisdom to all creation, showing the world what the grace of God can do to bring people together in unity and love as a family. As a local church, we are grateful to God for making us a part of His family and are devoted to his purpose to grow us together as a family in Jesus Christ and the Spirit.