LOCAL PARTNERS — Twin Cities Church


Christians, households, and house churches are all expected to be ready to meet the pressing needs and engage in good works as opportunities arise. Each year, hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars are donated by TCC members to help people in their spheres of influence, whether it is their house church, neighborhood, school, or workplace. Additionally, the church has started several ministries and formed partnerships with local organizations to minister to the needs of the city.

Discipleship Home and Transition Ministry

Our Discipleship Homes are transitional home programs that provide an environment of gospel transformation for those who seek to overcome substance abuse, crime, and other alienating behaviors.

Twin Cities Ministries provides transitional housing to people coming out of incarceration or addiction and who are not only looking for housing, but also for a community of people that can help their efforts to overcome their pasts and build a meaningful and sustainable life. Twin Cities Ministries was started by leaders from Twin Cities Church and New Life Church of Woodbury in 2011 and currently owns and/or helps manage and support four mens homes and a home for women and children. For more information, visit www.twincitiesministries.com.

We currently financially support Twin Cities Ministries out of the generosity of participating households and meet needs that arise throughout the year from the residents of the houses.


The Man Up Club is a metro-area ministry to young men working to help them complete high school, obtain post-secondary education or vocational training, and avoid getting wrapped up in the criminal justice system. We currently provide financial support through generous participating households, volunteer at events, and have members that volunteer at their regular club meetings and provide mentoring services. We foresee growing collaboration with The Man Up Club as we continue to expand House Churches in and around North Minneapolis. For more information, visit www.themanupclub.org.


Transform Minnesota is a broad coalition of evangelical churches in the Twin Cities that seeks to advance the gospel and build unity across the many expressions of Christ in the Twin Cities. We financially support Transform Minnesota and participate in occasional projects with specific needs, such as OneFund which was started after the killing of George Floyd and the subsequent riots. For more information, visit www.transformmn.org.