Our Mission
Advancing the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the Twin Cities and beyond by proclaiming the gospel, equipping households and leaders, and planting house churches that engage the city in love and good works.
For The Happiness of the Nations
God’s plan was never to create a people who lived for themselves. The first promise God made to the man Abraham to make him a family included the promise that through his family, all of the nations of the world would be blessed, which means “to make happy.” Abraham’s family would bring happiness to the nations of the earth. The Apostle Paul called this the gospel.
We Experience Grace to Show Grace to Others
The Spirit of Jesus Christ directed the Apostles to preach the gospel, establish churches, and equip these churches to maturity. As mature Christians and churches they were to live in the world in such a way that exemplified the grace and love God showed them. This lifestyle of grace was to permeate their lives as citizens, employers, workers, and neighbors. They were instructed to be ready for every opportunity to do good to others and to meet the pressing needs of the world around them. This was similar to the instruction that God gave the exiled people of Israel, who had been taken captive by other nations. Rather than rebel and fight against the hostile governments who took them captive, they were to pray for the city they lived in and to seek its welfare.
Seek the Welfare of the City
Jesus teaches us that we are in exile...we are not at home. We are waiting for the return of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. But the Kingdom of God is also now, through the Spirit that indwells us. So, as we wait, we also pray for the good of the city and seek its welfare. And in doing so, we manifest the grace of God and take every opportunity to explain the hope of the gospel that energizes us to do good works among a hostile people.