Planting House Churches
We are regularly training house church leaders and planting new house churches throughout the Twin Cities.
We have been invited into several contexts globally to help train and support other house church networks. We completed a five-year work in Portugal and Mozambique in 2022 and then started long-term work in India with a growing network of house churches. Our support is largely in terms of regular training, translated materials, and finances.
We have created a three-level process called EQUIP to address the equipping needs in the church and the establishing of house churches.
EQUIP I: Maturity Foundations
Goal: To provide a continual process of bringing the members of Twin Cities Church to maturity in the gospel and teachings of Jesus Christ.
Process: TCC has created The Maturing in Christ Series to accomplish this goal. It is a study of three foundational letters written by the Apostle Paul. While these are only three books of the sixty-six books in the Bible, we believe that these three provide what is substantially needed in the lives of Christians to address all aspects of their lives while continually driving them to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Rooted: Walking in Jesus (Colossians). Rooted provides a broad understanding of the gospel that founds the saints in the preeminence of Jesus Christ, giving them the confidence to overcome competing powers and accompanying sins, bringing about distinct and beautiful lives in families, churches, work, and communities.
Called: United in the Spirit (Ephesians). Called teaches the gospel of the eternal work of God through the Father, Son, and Spirit to redeem and call a people to be God’s family, the church—the dwelling place of the Spirit. With this power, God calls the church to lives of unity and beauty that demonstrate His wisdom, free from evil’s oppression and power.
Justified: Freedom in the Gospel (Galatians). Justified addresses the problem of Christians becoming “religious”—building their confidence on status or performance rather than the gospel of Jesus Christ—providing the saints with a deep understanding of the gospel, strengthening them to a life empowered by joy and freedom and characterized by love and unity.
Schedule: We have seen that members that work thoroughly through these books several times come to see the full benefits of the study. It is the desire of the leadership that house churches regularly work through these booklets.
EQUIP II: Leadership Foundations
Goal: To deepen members in their skills to interpret the Bible and teach others.
The Message of the Bible. This course teaches participants to see the Bible as a unified whole with a central purpose to reveal the person and work of Jesus Christ. Upon completion, each participant will have an overall understanding of the whole Bible with a lens on how to approach each section and book of the Bible.
Interpreting the Bible. This course teaches participants to interpret individual books of the Bible. Upon completion, each participant will have the basic skills to begin interpreting and applying any book of the Bible.
Schedule: These two courses are offered every year
EQUIP III: Leadership Focus
As leaders continue to grow, their gifts and callings come into greater focus. We have identified three leadership tracks critical to our growth and expansion:
House Church Leadership. This 8-month training program meets monthly and focuses on training participants in the broad range of knowledge and skills needed for House Church leadership.
The Mission of God, the Church, and House Churches
Family and Church Order
Households and Hospitality
A Life of Focus
A Life of Discipline
Interpreting Scripture
Paul’s Letters
Caring for People
Schedule: This is a 9-month program and We offer it yearly.
Preaching and Teaching. The Preaching and Teaching track consists of four courses designed to boost the biblical effectiveness of participants in a variety of equipping contexts.
1. The Plan of God in Luke-Acts
2. Paul’s Letters as Foundations for Establishing Churches
3. Preaching (Preaching, Tim Keller)
4. Theology in Culture (Center Church, Tim Keller)
Schedule: These courses are offered on an as-needed basis.
Counseling. The work of maturing the saints requires the skillful and careful work of helping each other identify and overcome deceptions in our hearts and minds and destructive habits in our lives. We offer the following training to those engaged in the work of shepherding people through counseling.
Redemption Group Training. Instruments in the Redeemers Hands: People in Need of Change Helping People in Need of Change, Paul Tripp
Lay Counseling Course. The goal of the first part course is to enhance participants’ lay counseling skill for informal contexts. The goal for the second part is to enhance those skill for more organized and formal contexts. The whole course is six sessions over six months.
Schedule: These courses are offered on an alternating basis annually.
The EQUIP Program is available to those in Twin Cities Church and to those interested in learning this model. If you are interested in enrolling in the EQUIP Program, fill out the following form and you will be contacted by a member of the Ministry Team.