The Wellness Center at Twin Cities Church exists to meet the emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical wellness needs of individuals, couples, parents, and families in the Twin Cities and surrounding area. It functions on a voluntary basis. As such, no fees are charged. Volunteers have had basic training and experience in helping people with their needs or problems and focus on biblical counseling. If needs go beyond our abilities, we are happy to make referrals to health providers, mental health or otherwise.


  • peer support on a one to one basis for those who may need someone to talk to

  • counseling and supportive help for those who may be facing emotional or spiritual problems

  • guidance and growth experiences for those who may be searching for practical ways to grow spiritually and mature as a human person

  • referrals to professionals or appropriate agencies for those who need help beyond our ministry

Schedule an appointment Now

If you would like to set up an appointment please visit the following page: